Human Resources
FormForce for Human Resources Professionals
Experienced HR professionals know that keeping track of people is hard… and staying on top of their paperwork can be virtually impossible. Through FormForce, we offer everything needed to keep employee records organized and easy to find.
If you have ever felt overwhelmed by the volume of documents needed for onboarding, training, compliance, and regulated reporting, you need to see our software for yourself. With just one preview, you’ll see how it can completely transform the way you work.
Seamless Documents, Digital, and Compliance
FormForce is the ultimate document management solution, allowing HR professionals to:
- Manage employment documents like employment agreements, training manuals, and signed policy manuals
- Keep detailed employee records, complete with photos, dates of employment, current training and certifications, and any assigned roles, projects, or work locations
- Track and assign training by specific criteria like job type, work location, or clients/projects
- Issue, activate, or deactivate employee access to FormForce with a click of a button
- Generate reports that show current or future training and certification needs for employees
- Supplement timekeeping and other records with geotagging, health/safety pre- and post-shift checklists, and additional digital fingerprints
- Control access to reports so you can share relevant information with supervisors and department heads when needed
Experience the Instant HR and Compliance Solution
It’s a comprehensive, all-in-one tool that can make every aspect of your role easier. But don’t take our word for it.
To get a better sense of what FormForce can do for you, contact us today to schedule a customized demo.