IT Professionals

FormForce for IT Professionals

The IT professionals we meet aren’t usually tasked with recording data from customers, employees, or vendors, but they have a big interest in making sure that data is safe and accessible. FormForce allows them to manage these tasks in a way that also helps with reporting and communication between departments.

Our platform streamlines the reporting process and combines cloud storage and encryption with a user-friendly interface.

Smart Tech with a Straightforward Personality

What IT professionals love most about FormForce is that it can do a lot without adding to the complexity of a company’s tech setup or causing conflicts. Here are just some of the things you can use it to do:

  • Record tens of millions of data points, securely, without taking up valuable server space
  • Manage employee login credentials, permission levels, staff photos, and even more through one dashboard
  • Catalog company-issued phones, laptops, or mobile devices while tracking things like item condition and update status
  • Gain the ability to instantly message employees across specific regions or projects as needed through web-connected devices
  • Let managers and executives sift through data and reports using a clean interface that doesn’t require any special user training

If you want your company to be able to do more, and do it without impacting your existing IT infrastructure, then FormForce is the obvious solution.

Get to Know FormForce for Yourself

Data management doesn’t have to be complicated. Managing documents, HR, and compliance doesn’t have to require several different databases or endless spreadsheet tabs. FormForce offers a smart, all-in-one solution that won’t cause additional IT headaches.

To learn more about the platform and get answers to any questions you might have, contact our team today to set up a customized demo.